Category: Featured

How to Be Happy and Single

How to Be Happy and Single

Being single is NOT the worst thing in the world. There, I said it. I know you may be sad, angry or bitter, BUT, those feelings will subside over time. Being single gives you a great opportunity to find out who you are, tweak things about your life and generally...

Dating Games: Dating and Texting

Dating Games: Dating and Texting

To text or not to text is a question we often ask ourselves during the early stages of the dating process. Texting and when to do it, are part of the Dating Games that people often play. As much as we don't want to play games, many of us can't seem to get away from...

What’s the Deal with Frenemies?

What’s the Deal with Frenemies?

Nicole McCance is a Psychologist and Relationship Expert and I spoke with her on the Dating and Relationship show about having Frenemies, why they're toxic and how to cut them off. Love/Hate Relationship: Having Frenemies Throughout our lives we meet many different...

Inspiring Photo Shoot for Hanya’s Hope

Inspiring Photo Shoot for Hanya’s Hope

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of participating in a photo shoot for Hanya’s Hope. Hanya’s Hope is a non-profit founded by former model, Real Estate Developer and philanthropist Hanya Kizemchuk; the organization’s primary goal is to support children and end the...

About me
