Privacy Policy

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Privacy Policy

The following privacy policy describes the personal information collected from and about users and members of Single in the City Dating Inc. (the “Service”) including but not limited to events and online dating services accessible via the website located at and related URLs and how such information may be used or disclosed by Single in the City Dating Inc.™ (“SITC”). The term “You” (and its variants) refers to you as a user of the Service and the terms “Us” and “We” (and its variants) refers to Single in the City Dating Inc.™.

Information Collected

As part of the operation of the Service we collect and may disclose information about you. By accepting the Single in the City Dating Inc.™ Terms of Use and this Privacy Policy, you consent to our use and disclosure of your personal information as described in this Privacy Policy. We use this information to determine our members’ demographics, interests, and preferences to better understand and serve you and other members. We may also collect personally identifiable information which you will be asked to provide such as your name, contact information, personal information, date of birth, and credit card information at places within the Service where we request such information (e.g., during registration, when you pay for events or other dating services and features on the site, for contests and when you populate your profile).

There may also be a number of services offered by external service providers that help you use the Service. If you choose to use these optional services and in doing so disclose information to the external service providers or grant them permission to collect information about you, then their use of your information will be governed by their privacy policies, if any.

Email Notifications

As a member of the Service, by default, we will send you email updates of including but not limited to event updates and newsletters with various site information, a variety of transactional emails such as receipts, confirmation emails, notifications when users send you a message and the occasional site announcement.

You have full control regarding which of these emails you want to receive. To change your options, simply visit and alter your email notifications in your account.

Personal Information

We may use personally identifiable information, data files and other information about you including but not limited to images, video recordings, and audio recordings to improve our marketing and promotional efforts, to analyze usage of the Service, improve our content and product offerings, and customize the Service content, layout, and features.

We use information in the data files we maintain about you, and the other information we obtain from your current and past activities on the Service to resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems and enforce Our Terms of Use. We may review the data of multiple members to identify problems or resolve disputes.

We may use your information to contact you and to deliver information to you regarding events and other services offered by SITC that may be targeted to your interests, such as advertisements, administrative notices, event notices, product offerings, and communications relevant to your use of the Service. You agree to receive this information. If you do not wish to receive this information, you may opt out of the receipt of certain communications by altering your email notifications under the My Account section.

Disclosure of Information

Although we use industry-standard efforts to protect the personal information we collect via the Service, we cannot guarantee that this information will not be accessed by the government or third parties in certain circumstances. We may be required by law to disclose information to the government, law enforcement agencies or third parties. You authorize us to report consumer transaction data to third parties for fraud prevention services. In addition, third parties may unlawfully intercept or access transmissions or private communications and members may abuse or misuse your information that they collect from the Service. Accordingly, you should not expect that your personally identifiable information or private communications posted online will remain private in all circumstances.

We do not sell personally identifiable information about you to third parties (provided that we may sell such information to a third party in connection with an acquisition of all or part of our business). We aggregate personally identifiable information of our members and disclose such information in a non-personally identifiable manner to advertisers and other third parties for marketing and promotional purposes. We do not disclose to these entities any information that could be used to identify you personally. We do not disclose certain personally identifiable information, such as Your name, email address, password, credit card number and bank account number, to marketing advertisers. We may use third-party advertising companies to serve ads on Our behalf. These companies may employ cookies and action tags to measure advertising effectiveness.

We may share data collected by us, including personally identifiable information about You, with Our parent, affiliates, or subsidiaries. Our parent, affiliates and subsidiaries will follow privacy practices no less protective of such personal information than Our practices described in this Privacy Policy. It is possible that We could merge with or be acquired by another business entity. Should such merger or acquisition occur, We would share some or all of Your personal information with the merger partner or acquiring party. The acquiring entity or newly combined entity will follow the practices disclosed in this Privacy Policy with respect to such information.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Privacy Policy, if you post information, including personally identifiable information, on portions of the Service that are made available to other users or to the public (including to your public profile), the restrictions on the use and disclosure of such information contained in this privacy policy will not apply to that information.

Contacting/Inviting Friends

When purchasing tickets for friends for events you will be required to enter personal information for these friends (such as name, email, age). This information will be used to contact those friends that you have purchased tickets for to notify them of the purchase by you, for them to attend the event. They will also be prompted to create a free membership of their own, which is required for certain, events that include matching (such as speed dating events).  It is important that you provide us with accurate information so that we can successfully notify your friends.

Inviting friends to Single in the City Dating Inc.™ is always completely optional. When you choose to invite friends, we will send an email to the addresses you enter indicating that it is a message from you. Your friends may contact us to request that we remove their information from our database.

Not sure about this part……For your convenience, Single in the City Dating Inc.™ offers the ability to import email addresses from common address books such as Facebook/Hotmail/Yahoo/Gmail/AOL. If you choose to use this feature, we will access your address book using the login details that you provide. We access your address book only once to retrieve your friends’ information so that you may select whom to invite. We do not store your login details nor do we use them for any other purpose than to retrieve your contacts. We never send invitations to contacts you do not leave preselected or explicitly select, and your invitations are the only email we will ever send to your friends unless they register to join the site.

If you have accidentally sent invitations you did not intend – please contact us and we can cancel the reminder message.

Using Other Members’ Personal Information

As a member you at some point may have access to other members’ identification and/or contact information through the use of the Service via online profile and/or name, email address and phone number exchange via mutual matching from a speed dating or other event.  You may not use such information in any manner that is not authorized by us and the applicable member. In all cases, you must give members an opportunity to remove their information from your information databases, including mutual match lists and email lists.  Under no circumstances may you disclose personally identifiable information about another member to any third party without our consent and the consent of such other member. You may not add a member to an mail list (email or physical mail) without that member’s express consent.

Your Profile

After the registration process is complete you can review and change the information you submitted during registration. To change this information you can log into the site and access your profile and your account. If you choose to cancel or delete your membership at any time, we will remove your membership data from our active databases as soon as reasonably possible. You may choose to hide your profile so that others cannot view it as an alternative to deletion of your membership.

Your Password

You are responsible for all actions taken with your login information and password, including any fees or charges incurred based on such use. If you choose to share this information with a third party, you are responsible for all actions taken with your login information and password by such third party. If you believe your password has been disclosed to third parties or otherwise compromised in any way you should immediately change your password.

Changes in Our Privacy Policy

We may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time based on changes in the law, your comments, or our need to accurately reflect our data collection and disclosure practices. We will notify you of such revisions and such revisions shall become effective in accordance with the procedures for revising the Terms of Use.