Vaughan Speed Dating (Ages 28-39)

St. Louis Bar & Grill Vaughan 8290 Hwy 27, Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada

Get ready for a night of fun, fast dates and the chance to meet up to 15 new people at our Speed Dating for Ages 28-39! This exciting night will feature two groups of singles, each with their own space, running in parallel at the same venue. Bring a Friend, Save Together: Book with a […]

Get Tickets $40.00 25 tickets left

Vaughan Speed Dating (Ages 40-50)

St. Louis Bar & Grill Vaughan 8290 Hwy 27, Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada

Get ready for a night of fun, fast dates and the chance to meet up to 15 new people at our Speed Dating for Ages 28-39! This exciting night will feature two groups of singles, each with their own space, running in parallel at the same venue. Bring a Friend, Save Together: Book with a […]

Get Tickets $40.00 26 tickets left