How to impress your date

Impress Your Date & Get A Second Date

Single in the City’s HOW TO Guide on How to Impress Your Date to Get the Second Date, brings attention to what most daters are missing in order to have successful dating lives. What used to seem obvious and common sense for some, has become saturated with dating interpretation and overanalyzing.

As we all know, if we can get to that second date, there is a higher likelihood of your dating relationship evolving into something more serious. This guide is designed to break down what you need to know in order to be successful in your dating life and score that second date.
Where does your dating life begin? With YOU. Download the Ebook to get you started

Price: $9.99 $3.99

What this book is about

  • Chapter 1 – It All Starts With You: Self-confidence Booster Tips
  • Chapter 2 – The Inside Scoop Into The Male and Female Psyche: What they are really looking for in a partner
  • Chapter 3 – Flirting and Approaching : How to
  • Chapter 4 – How To Ensure You Get The Second Date
  • Single in the City’s First Date 10 point Body Makeover
  • 20 Things You Should Never Do On A First Date
  • First Date Reminders