4 Signs That You’re Not Over Your Ex

by | Mar 13, 2018 | Dating Advice, Relationship Advice

I have a lot of people sign up for my date coaching service because they can’t seem to make it past a first date and so many times it’s turned out that it’s because they aren’t over their ex! If you aren’t over your ex than you won’t be able to develop a new relationship. So here are the top 4 signs that you’re not over your ex.

You keep complaining about your ex

It isn’t always as obvious as talking about your ex on a date but even complaining about them to your friends. Even if you’re saying bad things about them and definitely don’t want to get back together with them if you keep on talking about your ex it’s a sure fire sign you’re not over your ex yet. Your friends are sure to get tired of your complaining, try journaling instead. Writing down all of your feelings about them will get them out of your head and you’ll be able to reread and analyze everything, you may come to realize that what you’re complaining about really isn’t a big deal.

You can’t stop thinking about them

Breakups are hard, chances are you and your ex did a lot of stuff together and as such they’ll always be woven in your memories of vacations, birthdays ext. But if you continuously have them keep popping up in your mind than that’s a probably sign you’re not over your ex. Focus on new experiences, go to the movies with friends, take a dance class, go to paint night, learn to crochet from a Youtube video. Keeping yourself busy with friends and new activities will give you less time to reminisce and eventually you’ll just stop thinking about them.

You’re subtweeting them and being passive aggressive on social media

You know those people that write crazy, ranting facebook posts about their ex? Something like “It’s amazing when someone you used to love finally show their true colours #Notmyproblemanymore #Idontcare” DON’T BE THAT PERSON! Everyone knows that you do care and you just sound like a petty,signs you're not over your ex jealous person. If you have to pronounce your feelings on social media than you definitely aren’t over your ex.

You keep creeping them on social media

If you keep obsessively looking at your ex then that’s a major red flag you’re still not over them. Trying to figure out where they are and who their with is just going to drive you crazy, delete them if you have to so that you stop torturing yourself, chances are they’ll understand.

So there you have it, 4 signs that you’re not over your ex. If you find yourself doing these things than you may need to do some soul searching before you get back into the dating scene. If you’re having trouble getting over your ex book a date coaching session with me to come up with strategies on how to get over them and start dating again.

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