
Sex, Cannabis, and Relationships

Sex, Cannabis, and Relationships

With Valentine’s Day around the corner Canndora, the high-end cannabis accessories company, invited me to chat with them about how cannabis can affect sex and relationships. Cannabis and sex can go hand in hand but it can also cause friction in a relationship. Here’s...

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Finding Love Using the Law of Attraction

Finding Love Using the Law of Attraction

I truly believe that finding love is possible and you can attract a certain type of person using the law of attraction New Years, New Love, New Thoughts As we all know, your thoughts create your life! This is also very true when it comes to finding love. Being single...

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On the Catwalk with Joan Kelly Walker

On the Catwalk with Joan Kelly Walker

I know it may sound vain but I always did want to walk a runway and thanks to my friend Joan Kelly Walker I finally got a chance. Joan hosted a fashion show at Lexus Toyota downtown Toronto for her new clothing line at Walmart: The Joan Kelly Walker Collection. This...

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