One of the major complaints I get from single parents is that their children take up so much of their free time which leaves them little time for going out and meeting new people let alone time for dating.
Before you start dating you should know that being a single parent on the dating scene can be tough – not because of your personality, but, because of the preconceived notion of a single parent and the responsibilities that it carries. The person entering a relationship with you has to accept the fact you have children and needs to fully understand the responsibilities that come with that.
Single parent dating tips to keep in mind before you start dating:
Be ready: this is one of the most important dating tips for single parents and any other single person out there. Someone can only really truly fall in love with you when you love yourself first. We’ve all gone through some tough times in our lives and some of us seem to cope better than others. Don’t force yourself into dating. Wait until you feel content with yourself and are able to move on from the past. Getting into a relationship and not being ready will normally attract the wrong person into your life. The better you feel, the wiser choices you will make and the right person will eventually come a knocking!
Try dating someone else with children: They may share the same interests as you that can involve both your children. They understand the responsibilities that go along with being a parent and may be more acceptable of your schedule.
Don’t hide the fact you have a child: Hiding your children is typically a bad idea. They’re going to find out anyway, therefore, you might as well spill the beans right away. Besides, you don’t want to be known as a liar. Being a single parent may not be a negative thing anyway, other people have children or don’t mind other people’s children. Your children are here to stay and if they don’t like it then away they go… on to the next one!
Make some time: It’s understandable that as a single parent your schedule is busy with laundry, soccer practice and the other activities that come with having a child. But, as the master of time management, surely you can fit in a couple of hours for a date? These dating tips are valueless unless you actually act, get a baby sitter and go out there and get a date! Kill some time and go speed dating! The crowd is great and you get to meet a bunch of people in one night that are there for the same reason you are….. to find the right person.
Have fun, but, don’t get ahead of yourself: It’s great to have fun and enjoy yourself, but, you must know when to cross the line and why. Don’t introduce your date that you have only been with for a month or two to your children as they get attached easily and if it doesn’t work out it can be quite traumatizing for them. Remember your morals and what you want from the relationship; everything you do that your children are aware of can affect them. They are not adults, they are vulnerable children.
Hopefully you’ve gotten the boost of confidence needed to start this exciting portion of your life! It may be tough but can also be a lot of fun. Keep your chin up, enjoy life and be yourself. Always think of what is best for you and your children.