As we enter 2020, it is a good time to reflect. This is the perfect time to look back at some of the dating trends we encountered and take a glimpse at what is to come.
Plenty of Fish did a survey and came up with terms that we will be seeing much of in the upcoming year. Instead of catfishing, and ghosting, we will now be entering a time where you will hear terms like “Dog-Fishing or Dial-Toning.”
As much as these terms seem outrageous, as a Relationship Expert, I have seen a lot of this happen throughout the year. Dial-Toning is not quite the same as ghosting, it is where you actually give out your number in hopes of connecting with someone you see yourself starting a relationship with, but when you reach out, you never receive a single text back. Nothing ever comes of it; this is a trend that we will continue to see grow in 2020.
Many of us have experienced dates that you could just barely get through. The person you are out with is so infatuated with themselves that they spend the entire time talking about themselves, without a single interest in you. “I did this, I did that, I love this, I love that.” In 2020 this will be considered “Kanyed.” And this is something, that we may just hear a lot of.
Another dating trend that is unfortunately going strong is having your date cancel last minute.
Imagine spending hours getting ready and done up, picking the perfect outfit, planning little details all day just to get a text last minute that your date is being cancelled. No heads up, no advance notice and now you’re stuck looking fly with nowhere to go and feeling angry. This is what seems to be happening more and more. If this happens or when this happens, don’t let it phase you. Changing and cancelling plans last minutes seems to be a regular thing these days.
Something else we need to be mindful of this year is being more honest. We have to remember that we are going to be meeting the ones we talk with online, so why lie? Honesty will get your further and closer to finding love. I strongly believe that there will be less time wasters this year when it comes to online dating. People will have more idea of what they want and who they want and will ask the right questions, and will come to a quick conclusion whether they want to meet the person they are communicating with or if they want to cut it off immediately. This year will be less time wasting, and more conscience dating.
Last but not least, taking on the hobbies of your partner. Things you were never interested in, you are now taking on without a second thought. It’s nice to give and take in a relationship but we have to be careful not to give up our own hobbies and interests to satisfy our partners. Of course, we want to keep our partners happy but that doesn’t mean throwing your happiness on the sideline for their sake. This is something we want to keep an eye on.
I hope this will help you navigate through the dating world in 2020. Things to watch out for and trends you don’t want to happen to you. Dating can be fun and can be quite crazy, knowing what you are looking for and knowing what you don’t want should make this year’s dating a little easier!
If you need a little motivation when it comes to self care, check out our recent blog titled “Let’s Talk Self Love.”