Don’t Leave Your Love Life To Chance

by | Mar 2, 2015 | Dating Advice, Featured

Do you often ask yourself “Why am I not meeting anyone”?

Don’t Leave Your Love Life to Chance or chances are you won’t meet anyone anytime soon. I’m not saying it can’t happen, anything is possible. It’s just that it’s not as likely these days to have someone come sweep you off your feet.

Why do guys need to approach women when they can hide behind a phone app or computer and in and in some cases pretend to be someone they are not! The fairy tail of meeting someone by fate is well just that, a fairytale in most cases.
I’m not saying it can’t happen but don’t leave your love life to fate. Stop procrastinating or thinking that all men should approach you. Those days are over! It’s a 2 way street.

Granted, some women are only attracted to men that will approach them and that’s fine but you may be waiting a long time to meet someone.

There are various reasons why men don’t approach women they are interested in. They are shy and nervous, afraid of rejection, they aren’t picking up on the signs from you, or they just haven’t noticed you.

Give them a reason to get to know you, approach them first if they aren’t approaching, there is nothing wrong with that. get in their face and let them decide after they meet you if they are attracted to you and want to take you out on a date or get your number.

A misconception that women have about men is that men don’t like it when women approach them. This is not true.
When I was single, I used to approach men all the time but I found a reason to have a conversation with them. (complimenting what they were wearing, asking them for directions or making a reference to my surroundings.)

How many guys do you meet in a week and by meet I mean how many men do you have social interaction with where you end up having eye contact and a conversation? If you’re meeting one guy a week, think about how long it will take you to meet someone. And if you’re not meeting at least one guy a week than chances are it’s going to realistically take you a long time to meet someone.

In order to meet the right man you need to meet men, lots of them and not the first one that comes along.
You need to aim to meet at least 4 guys a week. 4 guys a week, that’s 208 guys a year. Out of all those guys, there may only be about 50 that you would actually go a date and out of that 50, there may only be about 20 that you would consider going out with a gain and out of that 20, you may only be truly interested in dating 5. It’s a numbers game, the more you get out there and meet new people, the greater your chances of meeting the one!

You need to practice meeting new people everywhere and to learn how to create conversations everywhere you go and not just with men but with women. Practice, practice, practice. The more you get used to making conversations with people, the less likely you will be intimidated to talk to that guy you have your eye on. You’ll start thinking of it as just another conversation.

Here are some examples of making conversation in your daily routine.
– If you go to the gym, make sure you talk to at least 2 people before you leave. Make oberservations, ask questions, make comments.

– Practice giving compliments. You could be standing in line somewhere and someone next to you could be wearing that jacket that you have your eye on. You’d be surprised on how interactive people can get when you pay them a compliment. Clothing, Shoes and glasses are 3 great things to compliment someone on.

– If you go out for lunch or dinner, spark up a conversation with the waitstaff. They are generally very friendly and ready to mingle!

– Talk to the check out clerk at the grocery store, they can always use a little conversation or chuckle to break up the monotony of their job.

Don’t procrastinate when it comes to finding love unless you aren’t ready to meet someone. but if you are, put yourself out there, take action and open yourself up to finding it.

If you set out to find love, you will find it. Create rituals for yourself, set goals. if you are serious about meeting someone then put yourself in the path of luck and start talking to men!

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