How to Be Happy and Single

by | Aug 14, 2018 | Dating Advice, Featured

Being single is NOT the worst thing in the world. There, I said it. I know you may be sad, angry or bitter, BUT, those feelings will subside over time. Being single gives you a great opportunity to find out who you are, tweak things about your life and generally improve with the added clarity of only yourself to deal with. With that being said, here are some tips on how to be happy and single.



BECOME A BETTER PERSON! Whether that is exercising, reading more books or managing your budget, make it your mission to become a better person! Everyone KNOWS at least ONE thing they can improve on in their life. Working on yourself towards being a happier person will not only lead to a healthier relationship with your future spouse, but, it will also make you a more relaxed, healthier individual who is stronger every day that passes! Now that’s attractive!


GO OUT AGAIN! Whether it be a night out with the friends at a club, playing your favorite sport or trying Speed Dating at a Single in the City event, make sure to GO OUT and LIVE YOUR LIFE! You are single now, act like it! Not only is going out a great way to meet new people but it is a fun and enjoyable way to blow off steam from work and other stresses. Take time out of your busy week schedule and plan something with your friends. Believe me when I say that you will appreciate it and become much happier then moping around home by yourself!

How to Be Happy and single
Love your pet!

APPRECIATE WHAT YOU HAVE! So what if you are single? Look around you! You have plenty of people who love and care for you, people who would do ANYTHING for you! Not only that, you are an amazing asset to the world as well. Appreciate your friends, family, pets, health, job, morals and even your possessions! Take some time and write down what you appreciate, what you are thankful for. Keep adding to that list and look at it whenever you are feeling down… you have so many good things going for you!

If you are still feeling down after looking at all of these suggestions; look in the mirror and smile! You are a beautiful individual with so much to offer. LIVE YOUR LIFE and don’t let ANY ONE or ANYTHING bring you down! You are strong and fantastic and you will find a partner one day!


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