When you first starting to get to know your date everything is new and it’s important to go in with an open mind to see if there is compatibility and chemistry there. However, after a few dates you typically know where your feelings fall towards that person and if there will be a future.
Whether it is for an ego boost or because you are lonely, leading a person on is not fair and certainly not helping you to be fully available to meet someone you’re actually interested in!
If you’re leading your date on, it’s important to stop immediately, communicate with them and set them free to meet someone who truly wants to be with them. Let them know how you feel, who knows, they may be content to continue hanging out on a strictly platonic basis – you can never have too many friends.
Obviously, not everyone you meet will be someone you’re attracted to, just as not everyone who meets you will be attracted to you. Attraction is chemical, biological, it’s innate, it cannot be turned on or off at will. When only one half of a couple feels attraction they can be blinded to the fact that the feeling is not mutual, and the longer the ‘relationship’ continues, the less likely they are to think otherwise, and the harder they’re hit when their mate finds someone else.
I realize some people have trouble ‘letting someone down,’ so they continue to accept dates from someone they’re not attracted to. Their hearts might be in the right place, but the results are the same, there’s a word for this; tease.
Do you want to be known as a tease? Despite the name, it’s not cute. Being a tease becomes a part of your reputation if you do it often enough, and then you are looked upon with contempt and avoided at all costs.
Leading anyone on is extremely cruel, disrespectful and completely avoidable. Follow the Golden Rule; Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Karma has an uncanny ability to let people reap what they sow. If you want a healthy relationship, complete with respect, commitment and integrity, you have to espouse those qualities yourself.