7 Shocking Dating Mistakes Men Do Without Knowing

It’s Friday and you have an exciting date lined up. You finish work, head home, take a shower, brush your teeth, put on your best looking clothes and nervously head to your car to drive off and meet your date. During the course of the evening, although nervous, you are confident, funny, energetic and feel a genuine connection with your date. The next day comes and you call your date talking about the wonderful night you had and are trying to plan another date, the next thing you know she either doesn’t answer the call or text you back or she tells you that you should just be friends… what happened?

Is it possible you were making one of these 7 dating mistakes?

1. Shoes: You may have had your best clothes on, but, did you pay attention to what you were wearing on your feet? Believe it or not, women tend to notice your shoes quite quickly and first impressions only happen once. Avoid this mistake simply by wearing a nice pair of clean, black casual dress shoes – you can almost never go wrong.

2. Cologne: Again, first impressions only happen once. Get some advice on scents before you take a shower in your favourite cologne – major turn off.

3. Bad Breath: You may think that this is a given, but, the fact is that some men, although brushing their teeth, flossing and using mouth wash, still have bad breath. Take mints with you and pop them whenever you start to taste some bad breath.

4. Work, Ex’s, The Past, Politics and Religion: Part of normal conversation, right? Wrong. Nobody wants to hear all that on your first date, get to know the person first and then, eventually, you can talk about this stuff. Keep it fun and interesting on the first date and don’t get overly personal.

5. Texting: It’s ridiculous, so ludicrous that you may not even notice when you do it. Texting and using phones has become such an integral part of society that you may even find the need to text during your date. No. Don’t even think about it. If you are going on a date, book off a good couple of hours or they will feel as if they are not worth your time. The text can wait.

6. Sex: You go on a first date to see if there is a connection, not to see if you can get into their pant. Hold off on the topic of sex or sexual topics in general until you feel that you and your date are comfortable addressing the topic – this may be the 3rd, 5th or 15th date, it’s different for everyone.

7. Coming Off As Clingy Or Desperate: Don’t stare your date down. Don’t ask about marriage. Don’t constantly mention how good the date is. Do not be insecure. Do not be possessive. These are all major turn offs, unless you are both sort of crazy like that.

Now that you know these 7 dating mistakes, don’t make them! Be yourself, be kind, generous – chivalry is not dead and it goes a long way.

Watch Laura’s Video on 5 Things Guys Should Not Do on a First Date.

Question of the day: What is your major turn off on a first date?

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By sitcadmin | May 14, 2012
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