Do Dating Apps Suck? Let’s Find Out!

Instagram’s Take on Dating Apps

Recently on Instagram I asked my followers what their experience has been with dating apps and the response was overwhelming! It seems like everyone these days has a story about dating apps or online dating. There were a few situations people kept talking about over and over and they probably sound familiar to you.

A lot of people said they (or someone close to them) found love online, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t difficult. Basically everyone who responded said that they had to wade through a ton of duds to get to the right person. There’s tons of riff raff on dating apps, from serial daters to people looking for hookups and even some really sketchy types-which can turn people off the idea all together. But in the end dating is a numbers game, and that means having to put yourself out there in a bunch of different places in the hopes that you’re in the right place at the right time to meet that special someone.

Don’t Use Instagram the Same Way You Use Dating Apps

So many people commented that nowadays men use social media as a dating site-mostly Instagram DMs and the overwhelming response was that women HATE IT! I always knew that I did but now I have confirmation from tons of other ladies too. There are so many reasons why this is a terrible idea, let me lay them out for you:

  • You don’t even know if they’re single
  • Even if they are- they probably aren’t looking for hook-ups on Instagram
  • You probably don’t know where they live
  • Because Instagram isn’t for dating they probably think you’re a scammer or a mdo dating apps suckurderer
  • Even if they don’t think you’re a creep DMing them and saying “hey” is going to get you nowhere

When it comes to Tinder and other dating apps most people said the same thing to me; even if the people said they wanted to date or be in a relationship they really only wanted to hook-up. Now there’s nothing wrong with only wanted to hook-up, the problem is they aren’t being genuine about it! If you’re on Tinder and your bio says you want a relationship than that should be true, otherwise you’re attracting the wrong people for your needs.

The biggest thing I took away from this Instagram Insight is that the people who are happiest using dating apps and dating sites are the ones that acknowledged that they aren’t perfect. To get to the good stuff you have to sort through the junk, like a garage sale.

By sitcadmin | June 13, 2018
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