Is Your Relationship Over: Signs To Look Out For

Sometimes its difficult to decipher when your relationship is over. Signs that a relationship is over can be subtle at first, but they often manifest in various aspects of daily interactions and emotions.

When you’re invested in a relationship that seems to be growing apart, it’s hard to decide whether to end it or to keep trying. If you’re not the one creating the distance you may be hoping it’s just a growing pain that will work itself out and land you in a stronger, healthier place. Sadly, often one person in the relationship has ‘left’ emotionally before the other person even realizes there’s an irreparable problem, and there are endless chart-topping hits that will attest to this. In ‘You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling’ The Righteous Brothers provide an excellent example of a failing relationship and good background music for a cleansing cry.  According to Psychology Today surveys of what couples argue about find many common sources of conflict including affection, communication, jealousy, sexual frequency, control, future plans, chores and responsibilities, secrets, and finances. These signs might start off small, but when they pile up, they can really shake things up between you and your partner. Whether it’s changes in how you talk to each other or just a general feeling of not being satisfied, it’s important to recognize these signs. In this blog, we’re going to dive into five important signs that could mean your relationship is on the rocks. By knowing what to look for, you can navigate this tricky situation with a clearer understanding.

Your Relationship is Over Signs:

      1. If you notice your partner suddenly developing new hobbies or interests that consistently keep them away from home during times when you’re typically together, it could be a significant red flag. Unless they’ve explicitly discussed these new activities with you and you’ve shown disinterest in participating, this behavior might indicate an intentional effort to create physical distance between you.
      1. Getting secretive, hiding their phone or closing their laptop when you walk into a room. Unless your birthday is coming up and a surprise party is in the works, this is not a good sign. There’s something they don’t want you seeing. They could be making plans with someone else or looking for things to do that don’t include you, either way, there are not a lot of good reasons to hide what they’re doing from you.
      1. Abruptly changing the subject when you’re within earshot. If you walk in on a conversation already underway and the subject is abruptly changed, (and again, it’s not your birthday,) you can sense it. It’s a horrible feeling, a partner does not humiliate the one they love. They don’t make their partner feel like an outsider to a conversation in progress.
      1. Rudeness or inconsiderate behavior. Love leaves the room when disdain enters it. There is no room big enough for the two. If your relationship has devolved to the point where being civil to each other is becoming increasingly more rare, it’s over. It’s extremely difficult to come back from that, and I don’t think you should want to. Once you let someone treat you badly, the respect is gone, theirs for you and you for yourself.
      1. Withdrawal of affection. If you start noticing that intimate gestures are becoming rare or non-existent; like you’re no longer greeted with a kiss when you come home from work, or kissed goodbye when you leave the house. If you no longer hold hands when walking together, or there is a coldness in his/her eyes when they look at you, the general lack of intimacy often means the relationship is on life support. If this is happening in combination with any of the other signs, a break-up usually follows.

Woman with sad face crying.Sad expression,sad emotion,despair,sadness.Woman in emotional stress and pain.Woman sitting alone on the stairs, after a fight with a boyfriend.Relationship and love problem

What To Do when You Realize Your Relationship is Over?

Realizing that your relationship is over can be a tough pill to swallow. It’s a time filled with mixed emotions, confusion, and uncertainty. But amidst the whirlwind of feelings, it’s essential to keep a few key things in mind to help you navigate this challenging time with grace and resilience.

  1. Allow Yourself to Feel: It’s okay to feel sad, angry, or even relieved. Emotions are a natural part of the process, so allow yourself to experience them without judgment. Recognize that it’s normal to go through a range of emotions as you process the end of the relationship.
  2. Give Yourself Time to Grieve: Ending a relationship is a form of loss, and it’s crucial to give yourself the space and time to grieve. Allow yourself to mourn the loss of the relationship, the future you had envisioned, and the memories you shared with your partner.
  3. Seek Support: Don’t hesitate to lean on friends, family, or a therapist for support during this time. Talking about your feelings with someone you trust can provide comfort and perspective. Surround yourself with people who uplift and support you through this transition.
  4. Focus on Self-Care: Take care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally. Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, whether it’s going for a walk, practicing mindfulness, or indulging in your favorite hobbies. Prioritize self-care as you navigate this challenging period.
  5. Reflect on the Relationship: Use this time for introspection and reflection. Consider what worked well in the relationship and what didn’t. Reflect on the lessons you’ve learned and how you can apply them to future relationships. Use this as an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery.
  6. Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries with your ex-partner to protect your emotional well-being. This may include limiting contact, unfollowing them on social media, or avoiding places where you’re likely to run into them. Prioritize your mental health and set boundaries that serve you.
  7. Focus on the Future: While it’s important to acknowledge the pain of the present, try to focus on the future and the opportunities it holds. Set new goals, pursue your passions, and focus on personal growth. Remember that every ending is a new beginning, and brighter days are ahead.

Navigating the end of a relationship is never easy, but it’s a journey that can lead to profound growth and transformation. All relationships are opportunities to learn something about ourselves. Some relationships aren’t meant to last forever; they happen for the sole purpose of teaching us something. For example, if you’ve found yourself tolerating inconsiderate behavior, the lesson may be to value yourself. We get what we believe we deserve. We may say we deserve the best, but if we’re not experiencing it, we don’t truly believe it. So if you’re trying to decide whether or not a relationship is over because you can relate to any of the signs above, pat yourself on the back, then pack a bag. You will not be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t deserve you, and that’s the first step to attracting someone who does!

By keeping these key points in mind when trying to decipher if your relationship is over and taking things one step at a time, you can navigate this challenging time with resilience and strength. Remember to be kind to yourself, seek support when needed, and trust that brighter days are on the horizon.

By Laura | March 19, 2017
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