Dating Advice

Laura’s Dating Tips & Relationship Advice Blog

So many people doubt their ability to even plan a date, let alone muster the courage to ask someone out. Over the years we have curated valuable dating tips and advice that we want to share with you. We have many resources and experience honing in on the fundamental issues that make people uncomfortable with the whole dating process.

Our dating tips are derived through our own experiences as well as stories from bad date ‘survivors,’ these stories are sometimes shocking, other times hilarious, but we’ve been able to drill down to the root causes of issues facing everyone in the dating world, and are confident that our relationship advice can help you navigate the choppy waters of the dating pool.

Falling in love can make us feel very vulnerable, that feeling should NOT be made worse by feeling ill-prepared for the dating dance. Helping you find the right partner is what this blog is all about, I believe you will find the answers you’re looking for on these pages as well as the pages of my forthcoming book “Single in the City” due out February 7, 2017. I also believe that there’s somebody out there for everyone, check in regularly for updates and more dating tips.

Hire Laura Bilotta as your date coach and start seeing more success in your dating life!
Get your dating tips and read all about the people, places and parties at Single in the City!
Men & Women: How We Communicate

Communication is an important part of a relationship, so much so, that when your communication breaks down, so does your relationship. Dating and relationships can be work at times to say the least, but having awareness of the differences between…

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The 10 Best Things About Being Single

There is a stigma that a lot of single people carry around, especially if you’ve been single for a while. Of course a lot of that judgement comes from people who are in relationships and have not been single in…

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Single And Hating It? Read This Take On Starting A Gratitude Journal

Being single and seemingly alone can be hard at times. It’s easy to get wrapped up in what isn’t happening for us in these moments i.e., “The Relationship,” rather than choosing to be present and accept where you are in…

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What To Do When He Doesn’t Call

Not hearing from someone you’re genuinely interested is extremely hard. It can be easy to tailspin, opening a windfall of emotions. At some point or another most people experience their date not calling or texting them back. It’s a brutal…

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The Top 6 Dating Mistakes Men And Women Make

For the purpose of this article I have used the words “ dating mistakes.” Although, I don’t believe we can really ever entirely mess it up with the right person, I do believe there are things men and women do…

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What To Do When You Feel Alone

Being single and dating can feel very lonely at times, especially on special occasions and around holiday time. Every time you start to feel lonely and sad for yourself about being single, I want you to remember that you’re not…

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The Common Misconceptions of Cheating

Many people are under the impression that cheaters all share certain characteristics and that there are plenty of indicators that are dead giveaways for a cheating spouse. While there are certainly telltale signs when it comes to extramarital relationships brewing,…

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Are They The Right Person For You |

Are they the right person for you is a question you should be asking yourself every time you go out with someone new. In the pursuit of love and partnership we sometimes overlook a lot of the red flags that…

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Toronto Boat Cruise

TORONTO BOAT CRUISE A FUN & FLIRTY WAY TO MEET OTHER SINGLES IN THE CITY!! INCLUSIONS: 3-hours cruising through the Toronto Harbour with amazing views of the sunset and Toronto skyline lit up at night An Interactive Mixer to break…

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Wondering If You Have Chemistry? 10 Signs You Have Chemistry With That Date

Are you questioning if you have chemistry with your date?  If you're questioning it, you probably don't have it. Chemistry is a “feeling”. It’s not something you can fake, force or create out of thin air.  It all really comes…

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How To Start Dating Again

How to start dating again can be extremely daunting if you'v been “out of the game” for a while. First of all, how do you know you’re even ready to date? If you’re: Still checking your ex’s FB account/social media.…

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5 Signs You Are Dating A Narcissist

Wondering if you are dating a narcissist? Unfortunately because narcissists are so charming to begin with, often times we don’t realize we’re dating a narcissist until it’s too late. To start, ask yourself the following questions: Does the person you’re…

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