Dating Advice

Laura’s Dating Tips & Relationship Advice Blog

So many people doubt their ability to even plan a date, let alone muster the courage to ask someone out. Over the years we have curated valuable dating tips and advice that we want to share with you. We have many resources and experience honing in on the fundamental issues that make people uncomfortable with the whole dating process.

Our dating tips are derived through our own experiences as well as stories from bad date ‘survivors,’ these stories are sometimes shocking, other times hilarious, but we’ve been able to drill down to the root causes of issues facing everyone in the dating world, and are confident that our relationship advice can help you navigate the choppy waters of the dating pool.

Falling in love can make us feel very vulnerable, that feeling should NOT be made worse by feeling ill-prepared for the dating dance. Helping you find the right partner is what this blog is all about, I believe you will find the answers you’re looking for on these pages as well as the pages of my forthcoming book “Single in the City” due out February 7, 2017. I also believe that there’s somebody out there for everyone, check in regularly for updates and more dating tips.

Hire Laura Bilotta as your date coach and start seeing more success in your dating life!
Get your dating tips and read all about the people, places and parties at Single in the City!
Toronto Valentine’s Fundraiser for Cardiac Kids

Toronto Valentine’s FUNdraiser for Cardiac Kids - #AllHeartsMatter   Toronto, ON - February 2, 2016 – With less than 2 weeks until Valentine’s Day, couples everywhere are lining the pockets of greeting card companies, confectioners, jewelers and florists. Every trinket,…

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Why Can’t I Meet Someone?

Why Can't I Meet Someone? 5 Things That May Be Standing Between You and a Mate: It seems everywhere you go you see couples. Couples at restaurant, couples at the movies, couples at the hardware store, couples everywhere! Some of them don’t…

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6 Signs She Wants A First Date Kiss

Deciding if you should kiss her on a first date can be nerve racking. In a perfect world you would both lean in at the same time and there would be no guessing. However on first dates, nerves run high…

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4 GOOD Reasons To Get Back Together With An Ex

Before you even address the issue of getting back together with an ex, let the dust settle.  Most breakups happen for a reason. Let a bit of time pass post breakup. Allow space for a few weeks or even a…

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First Message Tips For Online Dating

Writing a great first message is critical to your online dating success. Because you cannot rely on an organic, in person first encounter, it’s important to get that first message just right to ensure a response. Here are some first…

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Top 10 Signs Your Lover is Commitment Phobic

Commitment phobic, emotionally unavailable, however you want to describe it when you feel your lover is not ready for a serious relationship, it all ends up meaning the same thing.   Fighting to have a relationship with a commitment phobe…

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10 Signs It’s Time To Breakup |

Holding onto a relationship that is no longer serving you prevents you from being authentically happy and experiencing a true partnership that is compatible to you. We hold onto relationships out of fear of hurting the person, fear of being…

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Do You Know When To Apologize?

Dates rarely go as planned, we are humans and as humans we make mistakes. Reflecting on those mistakes and having empathy for our dates is extremely important to developing a long-term foundation. You are not expected to apologize for being…

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12 Warning Signs Your Date Is Controlling

Picking up on the signs your date is controlling, is not a difficult as you think. Trying to date someone who is controlling is suffocating, energy depleting and soul sucking. Why put yourself in that situation? There is some sure fire…

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Self-care Tips For Healing After A Breakup

Healing After A Breakup Post breakup, there can be a lot of emotional turmoil to endure including, frustration, anger and sadness.Part of healing after a breakup is allowing yourself to feel how you feel in that moment. If that means…

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Some Tell-Tale Signs That You Are Leading Your Date On

There is a huge difference between getting to know someone versus leading your date on. When you first starting to get to know your date everything is new and it’s important to go in with an open mind to see…

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8 Ways To Flirt

See someone you’re interested in and not sure how to flirt or start up conversation with them? It’s important not to overthink flirting too much. Flirting is not as complicated as some would think and a lot of the time…

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